Looking for something?

Early this week, more than 500 arts advocates from around the country met in Washington DC to convince policy makers that the arts and arts education are of great importance in our country. There was a moment at the Kennedy Center, before the keynote speaker, Kevin Spacey gave his reasons for supporting the arts. The moment was a performance by a high school show choir. While the ensemble was selected from a combination of performance excellence, and the recent popularity of the TV show, “GLEE!” one could not mistake the indelible moment that performance had for the performers and audience.

The audience was reminded that performances like that don’t happen without the dedication of an arts teacher; and a network of parents, administrators and civic support behind that. The performers were blessed with a life-long memory of being on the same stage as countless artists before them, and sharing their talents with an audience of celebrities, politicians and advocates from around the country. It was a purely joyful moment.

Where do you find JOY in your life? What about PEACE? ACCEPTANCE? UNDERSTANDING? How do we come to understand each other in these challenging times of differences, conflict and pressure? How do we learn more about ourselves? When are those experiential moments that reveal questions about the universe?

If you know the answers, you are truly enlightened. If you are still looking for places, times, people and experiences to help you navigate the path of life toward JOY and ACCEPTANCE, you just might find some direction through the arts.